Monday, May 13, 2013

Art and Life Lessons

Dear Friends,

As many of you know this last year has had its highs and lows. None of these experiences have been wasted on me. I am observant by nature and being an artist has taught me a lot. The lessons I've learned have extend far beyond a piece of watercolor paper or canvas. I’d like to share what I’ve learned…

COMPOSITION IN ART: A well composed painting places the focal point off center; otherwise it will appear predictable and boring.

IN LIFE: A well composed life means I don't put myself in the center of everything.

DESIGN IN ART: A harmonious arrangement of the parts of a work of art in relation to each other and to the whole.

IN LIFE: Design my life to be lived in a way that is harmonious in all parts: faith, family, health and work.

COLOR HARMONY IN ART: Limit strong colors, otherwise color will overpower the painting and distract from the overall picture.

IN LIFE: Don't overpower others with my opinions.  It distracts from my purpose.

COLOR TEMPERATURE IN ART: To make objects come forward in a painting use warm colors, and to make objects recede use cool colors.

IN LIFE: If I want people to feel close to me I need to be warm, if I am cool I will push people away.

VALUES IN ART: A term used to refer to lights and darks, which are the most important of all the visual elements. Without value variations we could not even see the subject—in pitch black or blinding light.

IN LIFE: Conduct my life in a way that my values are clear and understandable.

FRAMING IN ART: Framing is the artist’s final act before the painting goes out into the world. The way in which a painting is framed says a lot about how the artist feels about their work. The matting should enhance and support the art work. The glass and frame should be clean and presentable.

IN LIFE: Use care in the way I present myself to others.

ART SHOWS AND COMPETITIONS: Don't let successes go to my head or rejections go to my heart.

IN LIFE: Not everyone is going to like my artwork and that’s okay…they don't have to hang my paintings in their homes. Not everyone is going to like me and that's okay they don't have to live in my skin.

I promise to have a new post soon...with images and another lesson in watercolor.
Happy Sketching!


  1. Thank you, Brenda. Great lessons!

  2. Brenda Swenson, fabulous mother, artist supreme, down-home philosopher. Dynamite combination. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks for encouraging words and praise. You're sweetie!

  3. nicely compared,needs to read over & over

  4. I love this & thanks for sharing the spiritual side. Art and life, they aren't separated...

  5. Thank you, Brenda - such beautiful truths... I'm looking forward to meeting you this summer at your Cheap Joe's workshop.

    1. Susan, I look forward to meeting you, too. We are going to have a wonderful week painting and sharing our joy of watercolor and creativity.

  6. What a great post, Brenda!
    Looking forward to meeting you June 2 in WI.
    Sure hope we get a lot of warming up before then!

    1. Ginny, We're going to have a great time! It's hot in CA 90's for the last week. I'll try to bring a little warmth with me =)

  7. Dear Brenda - I came across your blog through another blogger who has you featured on her blogs she reads. I have encountered your lovely art before. Spent quite some time reading your previous posts. Will especially take time to lift up your son Daniel and his wife Heidi and their children in my prayers. It does sound like God is working in their lives and I know He will continue. I will also pray for you as well. I will certainly be coming back to visit often. God Bless

    1. Debbie, Thank you for the touching words. I am grateful that my son has a good chance of living a full and rich life. God is merciful and has blessed us greatly!

  8. I just loved reading this today. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I know God blessed all of us through this post.

    1. Diane, Thank you for the wonderful words. God has a funny way of prompting me...I knew the time was right to share this post.

  9. Wow.... what a surprise to find this delightful post today. You have really captured something neat comparing art to life. I am really struck by the comparisons. Excellent!!

  10. Claire, It seems all areas of life is a learning opportunity...I have to slow down enough to understand the lesson. Happy Painting!

  11. I'm so glad i came by for a visit today. Thank you for sharing this with us. It is a blessing indeed.

  12. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, God bless you.

  13. Such beautiful rendition of life and comes when I need it most....Thanks Brenda for sharing....

  14. Hello Brenda,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.
    These are some things I like about 'being an artist':
    - making sketches of 'what I see' makes me 'see' better, not only 'see with my eyes', also more 'insight'.
    - drawing and painting helps me 'use my imagination'. Creative thinking can be usefull in every part of life.
