Friday, June 14, 2013

Daniel and Heidi

Daniel, Heidi, Joshua & Nevaeh
Last month my son, Daniel finish chemo and is now in remission (huge smile and sign of relief). Tomorrow he graduates from Cal Poly with a degree in Mechanical Engineering (round of applause, jumping up and down). He's had numerous interviews and  five jobs offers. Last week he accepted a job! Next week he starts his new job (sign of relief). 
When I look at all he has faced and accomplished in the last year I am... almost speechless. He has battled cancer, they had a new baby girl, 13 month old son was hospitalized with a virus, attended school full time at Cal Poly, part-time employee, moved... He couldn't have done it without the love, support and faith of Heidi. She has been a blessing since the day she stepped into our lives. I love her beyond words.
Mike made the wagon for Nevaeh and Joshua

I feel so blessed to see them begin this new chapter in their lives. I want to thank everyone who walked along side our family during these difficult months. You held us up with words of encouragement , prayers, love and your precious friendship.
Thank you! 



  1. Happy for you, Brenda. We never stop being parents. We have one in her 50s and two in their advancing 40s and we have to fight the urge to worry about everything.

  2. Such a wonderful post to come upon today. I'm so happy and excited for your son, you, and all the rest of your loving family. Blessings to you all.

  3. What great news! I know you're all ecstatic! So happy for all of you. Life is good!

  4. God is so awesome and is continually at work in Daniel's life. I've only caught a glimpse of your life, but certainly can see the Hand of God working!!! Blessings!!

  5. Thank you for the kind and uplifting comments. We have so much to be grateful for...we are blessed!

  6. A beautiful blog post, Brenda.
    We are so happy to read a good, happy ending to this journey.
    Well not an ending...he is just beginning his life again with renewed courage and renewed outlook on life!
    We all wish them so much happiness.
    Thank you for sharing with us.
