Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Daniel finished his last chemo treatment! He's now past the yucky stage and back to feeling well. He also had his PICC line removed and couldn't be happier! Except for a little bit of scar tissue underneath the skin where the tube was inserted, there is no evidence that a PICC line was there. Now Daniel is a free man until…until next month. He'll have a bunch of blood work done and a check-up by the doc, but no chemo drugs! At this appointment the doctor will determine when his next PET scan will be, but he mentioned that it most likely won't be until the fall. By then, six months will have passed and they'll have a good idea whether the cancer will come back. Hodgkin's Lymphoma is easily cured however, and rarely returns. After another PET scan this year, he'll only have one scan a year for five years. If the cancer has not returned after 5 years, he will be considered cured.

So what does Daniel's life look like now that he's in remission? It's busier than when he had cancer! He started his last quarter of the mechanical engineering program at Cal Poly and he's taking 20 units. The school load is pretty much insane, but he's making up for taking an easier load last quarter. Six classes is all that stands between him and graduation! June 15th can't come soon enough! In between all the classes and homework, Daniel works part time and has been going to lots of career fairs and job interviews. He's had 6 interviews! His choices for employment are looking better and better each week. God is answering our prayers! I look forward to seeing how His plan continues to unfold for Daniel and his family.

Life is also a lot calmer for his wife, Heidi. She’s not consumed with doctor appointments, lining up baby sitters, endless paper work with medical bills, a sick husband… No doubt cancer is hard on the patient but Heidi has carried a burden that was at times beyond my comprehension! In the last nine months she has walked through the fire.

I would like to share Heidi's words with you. “To be honest, I am in a much better place spiritually, emotionally, and physically than I was 9 months ago. I truly am thankful for this trial the Lord allowed us to go through because it taught me lessons that I know I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Don't get me wrong, I had A LOT of days where I wanted to give up. I wanted to complain, whine, and throw a major pity party. That was probably the biggest lesson I learned: refusing to complain and choosing to be thankful instead. The conscious effort to praise the Lord rather than focus on myself has not come naturally. Of course I still have much to learn, but I feel spiritually refreshed.” ~Heidi Davison

I want to thank everyone who held Daniel and Heidi in prayer. This mother’s heart is filled with joy, gratitude, and relief beyond words. I can never thank you enough!



  1. How absolutely wonderful! Praise God for His love, care and mercy!

  2. It is so good to hear that everybody is back on track! Keep trusting in HIM, obey and fulfill HIS WILL. Walk in love just like Jesus has walked with us. Blessings!

  3. Thank you for the update on Daniel, I am grateful that he is doing so well. It is Heidi's quote that gripped my heart, however. It is a beautiful heart indeed, which has learned to lean and trust on Him fully, whether the times are good or bad. I join you in your thankfulness, joy and praise. Now, go and paint with vivid, bright abandon!! ;)

  4. I'm so happy to hear your good news! You've been in my thoughts... I'm sure Daniel can't wait until June...It will be a double celebration when he graduates!!

  5. As a wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, I know how cancer can take the whole hostage. I'm thrilled you all are in a better place right now!

  6. This is such wonderful news, Brenda! I think of you and your family often and am glad to read this post.

  7. Great news for your son...all hands clapping! The grandbabies are adorable. And Heidi's smile says it all!!!
    Sending God's blessings your way!

  8. This is awesome news--so happy for you and yours! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

  9. Wonderful news!I loved Heidi's words. What a wonderful family.

  10. This news is fabulous! We'll all keep praying for a long and happy life for Daniel and his wonderful family. Can't hurt to keep him in our thoughts.

  11. What a beautiful family! Inside and out!
    The church here in Florida has had Daniel on their prayer list all winter.
    I will report to them the good news and keep on praying now that all will go as planned.
    Thank you so much for sharing this journey with your blog friends, Brenda.
    I had a note from Dillman's that the class is a "go" and I am very excited to meet you in June!
    Sure hope the weather up there improves big time. It is 95 here in central Fl and it is still snowing up in Lac du Flambeau!
    I am not too happy about that!!!

    1. Ginny,
      Thank you for all the prayer...God is good and merciful!

      I'm sure the weather will cooperative...it's just a late starter for spring in the cold country.
      We are going to have a grand time at Dillman's and I'm looking forward to meeting you, at last!
      Happy Sketching!

  12. Good news in a week when we can all use some!

  13. Yea! Reminds me of one of my favorite Psalms: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one who brings good news.

    Wishing your whole family grace, healing for the long term, and relief from so much stress. I'll continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Life is good!

  14. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU...for all the words of love, care, concern, and prayers for my son. I am so grateful to be on this end of his cancer journey.

  15. Mari, My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. It is a difficult journey for all involved. Hold tight to God and trust in His strength to guide and sustain you. Blessings

  16. of all your blogs, while I came for the art, these have touched my life more! so thankful that God answered our prayers this way, since we know that God does not always answer the way we ask, but are always assured he acts for our best. I pray for their best going forward with the new spiritual strength they have gain from this journey. Your daughter in law is both wise beyond her years and beautiful inside and out!

    1. Michelle, I started the blog for art alone and along the way I saw an opportunity to share a deeper part of my story...my faith. God does answer prayers and sometimes the answer is, no. The hardest part has been finding peace, trust and patience in His plan. I agree Heidi is an amazing young woman. I am blessed deeply in her love, faith and devotion to God and family.
      Blessings to you,

  17. So thankful with you. Thank you for sharing!
