Saturday, April 6, 2013

An Illustrated Journey, Video

Its been a couple months since "An Illustrated Journey", by Danny Gregory was published. Before I had a copy of the book in my hot little hands Danny interviewed me on Skype. We had a wonderful conversation about techniques, tools, materials, my personal journey, and thoughts. As promised, I said I'd tell you when it was posted on-line. Today it was posted! Here is a link if you would like to watch the video interview. The beginning is a little choppy, but hang in's good stuff!

The book is a real jewel...filled personal thoughts, creative inspiration, funny stories, wonderful adventures and more. The artists in the book are diverse, talented, inspiring, unique...and from all over the world.
Here's a link if you are interested in the book, "An Illustrated Journey".

Happy Sketching!


  1. I preordered the book. I love it and find it VERY inspirational.

    1. Susan, I'm delighted it hear you got one of the early copies. It sold out within weeks. Happy Sketching!

  2. Dear Brenda,

    I will see you at Cheap Joe's this summer and am so looking forward to being with you again. I talked several friends of mine into taking the class. We only see each other once a year at Joe's. See you!!!
    Affectionately, Nancy Calvert from Virginia

    1. Nancy, Thanks for coming to the workshop and recruiting your friends! The workshop sold out early. We are going to have a blast.

  3. Thank you for joining me for breakfast. I loved watching the interview all the way through til I had my cup of tea. So nice to see you in person. I hope many people take the time to watch it.

    1. Polly, Thanks for sharing your morning tea with me. I had fun chatting with Danny during the interview. And I'm honored to be included in the book.
      You're a jewel!

  4. You were great on the interview and so pretty!
    What is on the back of your palette?

    1. Ginny, you're very observant! I made a thumb ring so I don't drop my palette. I used industrial tape to hold a rubber "O" ring. We are going to have fun at Dillman's this summer.I'm looking forward to sharing many fun tips and techniques with you.
      Happy Sketching!

  5. Loved seeing you on the video, I follow your work and blog closely and am happy to have my Artists' License from you.
    Do you ever teach in Northern CA? i'd love to attend a workshop and I live in Marin.

    1. I'd love to teach in Northern California...hopefully an art organization will ask me in the future :~)
      Love to hear from my fellow artists who have earned their Artistic License.
      Happy Sketching!

  6. It was a great interview-you were charming -so were Danny and Timmy. I love the book and definitely plan to take a workshop with you in the future. Lots of helpful info. Thanks!

    1. Chris, Thanks for the kind words. I enjoyed talking with Danny and meeting Timmy. What a treat to be included in this book.

      I hope we have a chance to meet one day,too.
      Happy Sketching!

  7. Wonderful book and video. My artistic journey is very similar and my sketching has evolved much like yours. I was so very excited to find someone who took their sketchbook to another level and I have followed and learned from you through the years! As a teacher myself I know the joy of sharing your knowledge and passion! Thanks! Good stuff!

    1. Michelle, Thank you for the delightful note. It's wonderful to meet people (via internet, in person...)who have shared a similar journey. Sketching is a huge passion of mine and I welcome friendships with link minded people.
      Happy Sketching!

  8. Mari, Thanks for the nice comments...I appreciate it. You are going to love all of Danny's books. He is amazing!

  9. Hi Brenda: I've had Danny's latest book for some time. Got an email noting this interview with you which I watched as soon as I linked to it. Very informative info: I didn't know that you'd been discouraged (as was I when 5 yrs old.) I didn't pick up pencil or brush till I was in my 60's and still struggle with believing I can do my drawing/painting. I've never been interested in any other media, only watercolors. I'm glad you proved the person wrong who discouraged you! Wish I was close enough to take your workshops. Congratulations on the video and for being featured in the book. Yea!

    1. Hi Joan,

      Glad you enjoyed the video interview and felt encouraged! Isn't it amazing how many artists have travel the same road of discouragement to eventually return to our love of creating!!
      My son is doing great. I'll update with news soon. Thanks for asking.

  10. OOPS I neglected to ask about your's he doing with treatments and progress? Wishing him well.

  11. Brenda,
    I watched your interview with Danny and now I'm even more excited than before to attend your workshop at Dillman's in June! I have my sketchbooks ready (Stillman & Birns, plus my own homemade one, & others), palette, paints, pens, etc., and an enormous amount of energy & passion to create!

    1. Theda, I am excited to meet you. We are going to have so much fun sketching and Painting! Thanks for you kind remarks about the video.
      Happy Sketching!
