Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sketches of France

Remembering the beauty of France...the history, art, sites, people, food and so much more! Let us focus on the beauty of a country and all it holds.  

Video is a selection of watercolor sketches I did while traveling and teaching in France. If the video doesn't play you can view it by clicking this link.  https://youtu.be/c1oee3nYEQY


  1. Wonderful sketches... full of memories of good times. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Beautiful sketches, thank you for sharing with us.

  3. What a touching tribute to a beautiful country! And it's always a treat for me to be able to really look at your sketches. Thank you for sharing!

  4. A lovely tribute! Thank you for sharing, Brenda.

  5. What a lovely tribute to those in France during such a sad time. Thank you for sharing.

  6. These are stunning and show so much appreciation for the beauty and culture of France. Lovely inspiration.

  7. Thank you for sharing this. It is lovely!

  8. Brenda, your lettering is so beautiful. Have you always have nice printing like this or did it come with hours and hours of practice?
    I wish you would do another DVD. I am wearing out my two DVDs by you,

    1. Crystal, Thank you! I usually print since it is much nicer looking than my cursive. I've definitely improve over time.
      Glad you like my DVD's. Maybe I should do another...Illustrated Journals perhaps?

  9. Thank you for thinking in our country in this sad day. You seized in your beautiful paints what is it spirit.

    1. It it was important for me to share the beauty of France. Don't let the ugliness of terrorists take that beauty from you. ~Brenda
