Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Watercolor in Tuscany

Last September I was in Tuscany for two weeks. Before the workshop began I stayed in Florence for a few days. I walked through the city, sketched, shopped and took in the sights. From Florence I traveled by train to Lucca. Here I joined the other artists in my workshop. We stayed in a beautifully restored Tuscan farmhouse in the hills of Lucca. We spent the days sketching, painting, shopping and of course eating amazing food! We even had cooking lessons!

Here is a short video I made of the trip. Hope you enjoy the images and sketches of Tuscany!
If the video doesn't show click here: YouTube

Happy Sketching!


  1. What a wonderful time you all had. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a fun trip you and these lucky ladies had… thanks for sharing.

  3. Glad you've liked the video. We had so much fun...I had to share!!!
