Monday, November 18, 2013

Twenty-Nine Years and Counting!

Mike and I were married on a three-masted schooner sailing out of Ports O' Call, San Pedro CA. When our wedding vows were completed they fired the cannons from both sides of the ship.  That was twenty nine years ago... I was 25 years old and overtaken by the love of a man I hardly knew. I was worried about being able to love him as much as he loved me...our first date was nine weeks earlier.
How did he win my heart so quickly? The answer is easy... He loved my children. Shortly after our first date he picked me up from work. When I got in the car he asked me, "what does your son need?". He proceeded to take me shopping and filled the shopping cart with clothes and a new car seat for my son.

Early in our marriage Mike recognized the creative spirit in me and encouraged it.  He watched me try my hand at different creative ventures. I experimented with porcelain painting, ceramics, quilting, woodwork... What I really wanted to do was draw and paint but I was afraid I wasn't good enough (I was discouraged as a child). I finally got enough courage to attend classes at the community college. Mike knew how nervous I was. He even bought me a new outfit for school! I was only attending class one day a week. The most valuable thing he gave me was courage to believe in myself.

We have evolved a lot over the years. I am a better person today because of his love. He has helped me grow artistically, emotionally, and spiritually. I have love him with all my heart.

It feels appropriate that I share with you how Mike's love played a part in my life. I am an artist because of his belief in me, love, and freedom to find my way. This short video tells a little more of the story. 

Happy Painting! 


  1. Congratulations you two… what a great guy you married… found the love of my life late in life, our 10 year anniversary is this Friday, we were married on a boat in Charleston Harbor, only 12 very close friends in attendance. A good man that nurtures your creative side is a blessing indeed.

    1. Elaine, The right person makes all the difference in the world...we are blessed!

  2. Brenda, thanks so much for sharing. Congratulations on your 29th anniversary! I have read your blog for a while now and have enjoyed your watercolor art so much. The video you posted really spoke to me. I left an abusive marriage (of 26 years) with my 10 children last fall and am trying to put things back together in so many ways. I do totally "get" losing your voice and trying to regain it. Wow, do I ever.

    And the vintage trucks. Man, we are so alike! I have told my older boys that someday I want to get a vintage truck and restore it with their help. In the meantime I got this super-cool metal vintage truck which is toy-sized. It is sitting on my desk with two small glass cups in the bed of the truck, holding my most used pens and paint brushes. I love seeing it.

    Thank you again for your art and for sharing about your anniversary. I am very happy for you. : )

    1. Susan, I am glad to hear my story has touched you. We are much in common between our love of creating, trucks, children... I am glad to know you left an abusive relationship. I am sure it was difficult at best and leaving was really scary. Blessings to you.

  3. Such a beautiful love story....Happy Anniversary!

    1. I so enjoyed this video of you and your life! I've been following your blog since just before your son's cancer and prayed for him and you during the whole thing. I feel a kindred spirit to you as you love to paint your everyday life! I wish you and your husband all God's blessings! May your art and creativity see many more years of thriving! A fellow artist, Jennifer Edwards

    2. Jennifer, Thank you for your prayers and kind words. I am blessed to have friends like you. I don't know what I would of done without your prayers...thank you! Blessings

  4. Congratulations! Such a romantic love story.

  5. Well Happy Anniversary to you! Sweet story, great guy. We're coming up on 43 yrs. in Jan., second marriage for both of us. Wishing you many more years to love one another.

    1. Joan, The world is a much brighter place when we find the right person...we are blessed!

  6. Dear Brenda, I love your story.....

  7. Hi Brenda, I have just discovered your amazing blog! I was so touched to hear about the love you and your husband have for each other. The video is so beautifully made.
    I just love your paintings! You are so talented!
