Monday, October 5, 2015

What Are You Waiting For?

Have you ever wanted something so bad it was all you could think about? Me to! Ever since third grade I wanted to be an artist. The older I got the more complicated life became. My hopes and dreams became something I would obtain later. What was I waiting for?  I was waiting for my children to be older, to have more time, more energy, more money, to have my house work finished, my errands done, to be encouraged... The truth is I was better at finding reasons why I wasn't living my dream then putting the energy into making it happen. So what was the problem? Simply put…ME! It’s easier to make excuses then taking responsibility and making it happen. 

The honest-to-goodness truth is I had to change my thinking. I didn’t value my time. I’m not alone here…its common thinking among women to see what we do for others as more valuable than feeding ourselves. What we fail to see is creativity is the core of who we are.

Every day has 24 hours. We’re never going to have EXTRA time. It doesn't exist! Time will always run out at the end of the day. Family will need us, friends will come calling, laundry will need folding, dishes washed…Trust me these things will be their tomorrow.  Begin today no matter how small a step.

We make the choices of how we spend our time…PERIOD. What are you waiting for? Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.  Proverb 13:12

These sketches show how everyday tasks can be an opportunity to draw. I have countless pages of daily chores, dishes in the sink, kitchen counter with its clutter, lunch, furniture in my home… Start making it happen.

Happy Sketching!



  1. Brenda, your wisdom, examples and encouragement are priceless (: thank you, Judy

  2. Love this post - you have nailed my attitude too - find a way to keep creating and don't wait until things "slow down." Being an artist is my dream job and I still have to pinch myself sometimes that I get to do this for a living!

  3. Thank you so much for the easy reminder....the dust and dishes, laundry, etc., etc., will be there tomorrow! Today I sketch!!! ;-)

  4. so true - thank you for your post

  5. Oh my goodness! That's me! Thanks, Brenda, for giving me hope!

  6. I've been there, too many times. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. They are so true

  7. Annie Dillard *How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.*

  8. Just what I needed to hear. Thanks

  9. Your words are so inspirational. Thank you!

  10. Thank you, Brenda. Your post came just at the right time for me and your encouragement is great. Manuela

  11. Perfect words Brenda, thank you! Inspiration is all around us :)

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Thank you Brenda for this post, on a day I decided to look for a Job and put my paintingcareer in the hobbycorner again. I'll give it another thought though.

  14. Thank you for reminding me that I need to just keep trying. It just seems so hard some days, when all I find are wonderful sites like yours; but no sites aimed at true beginners.

    1. Nancy, We ALL start off as beginners. Just keep pushing'll get there if you keep trying.
      Happy Sketching!

    2. Hi Brenda, thanks for the encouragement; it means so much!

  15. My best day is when I shuffle up the stairs with my coffee and in my robe. I turn on the lights to my studio, put on my favorite light music and decide what to create! I have no problem prioritizing my day. Then every thing falls into place.
