Monday, January 26, 2015


Recently I hinted big changes were coming in my life and I'd let you know more when it was time. Now I can tell you. Last September I was in New Mexico for two weeks. I felt inspired, energized and happy being surrounded by beautiful colors, texture and art. When I returned home I knew something needed to change. I needed a larger space to work away from home. I'd exhausted every corner in my home/studio. The space now felt claustrophobic. I began the search for a new studio space immediately. 

November I signed a lease, December 3rd I had keys, 30 minutes later with my husband in charge of tear down and was full speed ahead!!! If I told you everything he can accomplish in a short time frame you wouldn't believe me. With a crew of two guys the rebuild was finished on Christmas Eve! While the guys were busy with construction I spent my time getting all the paper work in place (business license, city planner, insurance, fire inspection...), planning for Christmas, searching for STUDIO furniture, and spending time with my Dad. The month was an emotional roller coaster. One foot was in joy and on foot in grief (Dad is dying from cancer).

New Year's Eve was moving day. Twenty-five years of painting and teaching materials is a lot of stuff! I had everything packed and ready and it still took three guys six hours to move it all. I spent the next week putting everything in it's place. I love organizing stuff!

I'm so excited about the STUDIO and all it holds for the future. It's a creative space to work, play and be with like minded people. I can't wait to welcome friends and share the joy of being in a creative space filled with light, beauty and inspiration. I even made a sitting area called the nook. I love this little area so much I painted it.

In the near future I plan to host workshops and they will be limited to 7 people. I'll be able to spend more one-on-one time with my students. How sweet is that!   

Did I mention the STUDIO is a 10 minute walk from home and there's a coffee house down stairs? I know, I's almost too good to be true!

Happy Painting!


  1. I have been watching the space transform from drab to wonderful. I look forward to signing up for one of those workshops soon.

    1. Sue, You're going to love the STUDIO! It's a big change from the Montrose building.

  2. What a wonderful studio! I love your nook, as well as your painting of it.

  3. I am a bit confused (but that's normal). Are you now in New Mexico? Or? The layout of the studio looks wonderful, warm, and inviting. You are correct - a great place to sit, think, read, paint with people who love art. I wish you much success.

    1. Dan, I'm still in South Pasadena. The only thing that changed was the location of the STUDIO.

  4. Congratulations Brenda, all those windows… fabulous light… more pictures of it totally unpacked please. I hope you and your students create tons of wonderful art, and have lots of fun doing it. Enjoy.

    1. Elaine, I hope to post a short video...its the best way to see it!

  5. Congratulations on your new studio! I wish I could attend one of your workshops someday; I'm just too far away. Lovely painting of The Nook!

  6. How exciting, Brenda! I'm sure your new space will be every bit as charming and inspiring as your old (I got to glimpse your beautiful home in your Sketchbook Skool videos). It's on my ultimate wish list to take one of your workshops someday!
    And I'm sorry about your dad. I know how important he is to you and how hard this time must be.

    1. Susan, The SBS video was fun to shoot in my home. My home studio was drab... Now it's going to be repainted and returned to a bedroom.

      Hope to meet you in person one day!

  7. Congratulations! May the space be filled with wonderful play, fun, and productivity.

  8. Congratulations on this beautiful space Brenda! I hope it brings many years of joy and peaceful creativity! Thank you for sharing it! My continued prayers for your dad.

  9. LOVE that space! Have fun in it, congratulations!

  10. Wow! Your studio looks wonderful! I have loved following your blog here in Boston, and seeing your work always inspires me! Can't wait to see more work coming out of your new place of inspiration!

  11. You're living a beautiful dream! Enjoy every minute in your new creative space!

  12. How wonderful! I enjoy reading your blog and loved your teaching in Sketchbook Skool. Now I will able to my list of "Wishes for Someday" to be able to come and take a class from you in your lovely new space. (Joining you on one of your Italy workshops is already on the list!) Enjoy!

  13. Brenda, sorry my comment about my Someday list had to be posted as Anonymous - I am not a techie and did not know how to do it any other way. Sydney

    1. Sydney, Loved your comment...hope we paint together some day!

  14. Big Project!! But the space looks wonderful!! Love the painting too!!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Oh my, this painting of the studio spot is so beautiful, and it's so exciting to see your new studio space take shape.

  17. Dear Brenda - congratulations on your beautiful studio. What a lovely painting of your nook as well. I am so sorry about your Dad. I too have been going through some troubling times with my parents. Take care and good luck with your workshops. Wish I could take one with you - maybe someday! Have a good week-end.

    1. Debbie, I'm sorry to hear you are facing some of life's same's hard to watch those we love struggle to find peace. Sending hugs

  18. Where to sign up to receive your posts?
