Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What a Difference a Year Makes!

April 2013

To my fellow artist and friends,

 It’s been exactly a year since my son Daniel had his final treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma...an update is in order. 
When I think back over those many months of treatment and the emotional journey I am glad to look forward! During the difficult months we were lifted up by your kind words, emails, phone calls and prayers. Today the doctors say Daniel is in remission…Praise God! They won’t use the word “cured” until he is free from cancer for five years. When Daniel finished chemo he was ready to move forward and never look back. Much to his dismay that is not the life of someone who’s had cancer.  He still has side effects from the chemo, doctor appointments, tests, more tests, scans… At times this depresses him. 

April 2014
Daniel is enjoying being out of school, working hard as a mechanical engineer, buying their first home and all the responsibilities of home ownership. 

Heidi is very busy with Joshua and Nevaeh, working at home, church, Mom's Club, teaching the kids... She's one of the most natural parents I’ve ever known (I could of learned a lot from her when I was raising my boys). The big news around their home is...they are expecting another child!

Life has its highs and lows and we are not immune from fear, pain and sorrow.  But, I feel grateful beyond words for blessings in life. 

Do not squander time...it's what life is made of.



  1. Brenda.
    Great advice! So pleased to see Daniel and family moving forward so beautifully. Thank you for the update.

  2. Great news....enjoy those grandbabies while they are little!!!!

  3. God bless yout son, you and your family! :-)

  4. Oh my gosh, congrats Grandma again!!! How wonderful.
    And I do pray so hard that everything goes smoothly for the whole family.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Good news indeed… thanks for the update… what a beautiful family Daniel has.

  6. God's continued blessings on you all! Such good news!
    Gail (in Arizona)

  7. Yes, I remember praying for Daniel early on in the diagnosis. God is so good. Thankful to hear the wonderful news. The remission and the new life--wow!

  8. Thanks for the update and the good news. May Daniel and his family have a long, wonderful live and embrace the ups and downs. All the best!

  9. Very happy for you and your family. Blessings abound!

  10. Thank you for the update, Brenda. The new family portrait, one year later, is evidence of a happy, healthy, beautiful family and I am so very thankful for Daniel's progress. He is blessed to have so much love and support and I wish all of you many more happy, healthy years ahead!

  11. Wonderful news for Daniel and all of you and now a new member to arrive in the not so distant future! That is what life is all about. I am very happy for yo all.

  12. Thank you for the kind comments. I am grateful to have a family, friends and an art community that is so GREAT! Life is sweeter when you have friends. Hugs!

  13. Blessings on Daniel and his family, including you, Brenda.

  14. So happy to hear your son is in remission. I will keep him in my prayers.

  15. All my prayers and best wishes for your son and his beautiful family.

  16. "Do not squander time...it's what life is made of." Love your quote! So true! Blessings to your family! Admire your work as well! Would love to be able to do this one day. I've heard about the Sketchbook Skool; perhaps I might join when you are teaching!

    1. Thank you for your words. Time is precious!

      I'll be teaching next semester at Sketchbook Skool. It starts early July. I'm really excited to be part of the project! Hope to see you in klass ;)

  17. What wonderful news after such a difficult time. God continues to bless your family.
    Thank you for the current advice and I might add the example you were to us when things were bad. We could feel your despair, but also could feel that you didn't give up hope. You had a lot of people praying for Daniel.
    PS I bet you were a great Mom - everybody has different parenting styles

    1. Thank you for the kind words. We are happy to be looking back at cancer...even though the battle isn't over yet. Daniel has many doctor appointments every month. But we have great hope to call it a cure. We are grateful each and every day. Hugs
