Friday, November 2, 2012


Thank you for all the emails, prayers and good wishes. Here is the up-date on my son, Daniel.

Daniel and his great sense of humor!
October 11th, Bone Marrow Biopsy
October 16th, PET/CT Scan
October 18th, Test Results  
The lymphoma has not moved past the diaphragm or into the bone marrow. This is great news because it means the cancer has not gone into his organs or bones! Praise the Lord!

At out-patient they inserted a PICC line. This is like a permanent IV so that he doesn't have to get stuck for every treatment. The PICC line starts on the inside of his right upper arm and travels all the way up the arm, across the chest, and ends right above the heart. This way, when the chemo drugs are delivered they are right next to the heart that can immediately pump them throughout his system. The PICC line also protects from multiple veins collapsing through new IV inserts or blood draws. They can actually draw blood through his PICC line as well. The procedure took about an hour. Daniel will need chemo therapy every 2 weeks for 6 months.

October 23rd, Chemo Begins
He was at the doctors for 6 hours. When he got home he was exhausted. He had something to eat and mostly slept. The next morning his efforts to go to school were well-intentioned but he was just too fatigued to make it out the door. He crawled back in bed and slept until 11. He basically felt cruddy for 4 days. He slept a lot, said food tasted slightly metallic, had a difficult time focusing.

Daniel, Heidi Joshua and Nevaeh
October 28th, Feeling better!
Today Daniel and Heidi brought their daughter Nevaeh before the congregation. She was dedicated, and will be baptized when she is old enough to make a conscious decision of what it means to be a Christian.

Heidi is a wonderful daughter–in-love! I love her beyond words and I am so thankful for the bond we share. She is the perfect mate for Daniel and an amazing mommy to two tiny children. Joshua is 17 months, and Nevaeh is 4 months old.

The family has many prayer concerns and I am passing along their list.

1) Complete healing with little to no side effects along the way.
2) Daniel is attending Cal Poly to be a Mechanical Engineer. Energy to finish school work and wisdom to know when to put the books down.
3) No sickness (it's very easy to catch the flu with no immune system).
4) Patience with our babies.
5) Taking our stress to the Lord and not out on each other.
6) Critical illness insurance approval (they have received all documents and approval is pending).
7) Acceptance into cancer financial assistance programs (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and The Beckstrand Cancer Foundation).
8) Wisdom in navigating the insurance claims and bills.

All of you who have been so faithful to pray for us, the Lord is listening and honoring your prayers. Thank you!

Please know I haven’t departed from my art related posts. I have something special to share and I will have it posted in a couple days.



  1. Thanks for the update, Brenda! I've been wondering how things were going. My thoughts and prayers are with Daniel and his young family. From what the results showed, everything seems to be on a positive track. Well wishes to all.

    Btw, I love the term - Daughter-in-love. :)

  2. Love this post as well! Soooo wonderful to see people that believe in the power of prayer. And thanks for the update. Super excited to see what artistic post you have up your sleeve as well!

    - Emily (girl from the fair :D Thanks for rememberin' me)

    1. The power of prayer is an amazing thing. Sometimes I have to pray for wisdom and understanding when I feel He has a different plan than mine.

  3. Brenda, thank you for the update, we will continue our prayers and positive energy for Daniel and the family.
    Meanwhile, I am looking forward to your upcoming art post.

    1. Thank you for holding Daniel and his family in prayer. It has been a challenging time...especially for Heidi. I can't imagine how it would feel to have two tiny children and a husband with cancer. We can only focus on one day at a time or it can feel overwhelming.

  4. They are lucky to have you too! I agree, prayer is powerful! Thanks for keeping us aware of what is going on. We are lucky to have such wonderful art inspiration from you. I feel that art comes from a spiritual place...........

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I am lucky to have a wonderful family...I count my blessing every day! I comes from a spiritual place. I find peace and comfort through art that I experience no where else.

  5. What a blessing to have you share this with your blog friends, Brenda.
    My grandson has leukemia (diagnosed when 11). He is now 19 years old and doing very well.
    But it was a long struggle with a lot of praying along the way. He did have to have bone marrow transplant. I hope that this will not be part of your son's journey!. What a beautiful family they are!!!
    I wil raise up Daniel at our church this Sunday. They are powerful prayers and they will be there for you.
    Hugs from Florida coming your way!!!

    1. Ginny, Your kind and encouraging words mean a lot. Thank you for your prayers...they are powerful!

  6. I have been thinking of Daniel often and checking in on your blog for updates. So thankful that his cancer has not spread...the power of prayer! Will keep praying all their insurance woes are soon resolved, then they can focus on getting well and raising those two sweet babies!

    1. Debo, God does answer prayer. He may not take the cancer away but he does give us strength, courage, hope and friends to hold us up! Thank you.

  7. Thank you for the update Brenda, this must be so hard on all of you. Pretty soon it will all be behind you. Seems like just yesterday that Nevaeh was born. Beautiful family picture, I think Daniel looks like you. I will continue to pray for Daniels strength and endurance as he has so much on his plate. Hugs to you! Karla

    1. Karla, Yes, I look forward to the day this well be but a memory! In the meantime we will grow as a family and learn a deeper side of loving, caring and just simply being there for each other. I think he looks like me, too!

  8. Thank you for the update Brenda. My prayers will be for Daniel and all of the family. When the prayers go up the blessings will come down.


    1. Barbara, Thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement!

  9. My heart and prayers are with you all in this time of deep concern. I know you'll find the strength to move through this and that Daniel will find complete recovery so that he can continue to support his family and be the daddy to those adorable children. Such good news that the cancer has not spread. That's very reassuring. Holding you all up in love and prayers.

    1. Joan, in the midst of all the worries and concerns we have so much to be grateful for. Daniel is young and strong...and the odds are in his favor. Praise God!

  10. I think of you and your family constantly. On Friday I lit a candle for you all in a beautiful church in Basel.

    1. Thank you, Juliana. You have always been so thoughtful...

  11. Keeping all of you in my prayers. Hope day by day he gains ground and strength. Love your sketchbooks. Wonderful work and words.

    1. Ann, thank you. My sketchbooks are a wonderful tools. I find so much joy and comfort within their pages.

  12. Thank you for sharing the update on your son. I will keep him and his family in my prayers. Peace to you all.

    1. Thank you, Claire. I appreciate every prayer and kind word.

  13. 1....8: check, check, and double check with prayers. Candles are lit and prayers are being sent out to you and your son and the entire family. Hugs and love from Penna. Traceylynne

  14. Brenda: I continue to keep you and your family in my daily thoughts and prayers. I am amazed at how a young couple like Daniel and Heidi with two little ones can shoulder thru something like this. It is truly awe inspiring and I just know everything will be fine. Wishing you all a serene will be upon us before you know it.
    Jane from Omaha
    PS: I have followed you website for years and have purchased your books. You, Brenda, are an inspiration as well!

    1. Jane, thank for the thoughtful words. Daniel and Heidi inspire me, too.
      Thanks for the kind words on my artwork, books... Creativity is meant to be shared. My sketchbooks have carried me through some difficult days...they are place to bare my heart...prayers through images, perhaps. Often I meet women in my workshops that are grateful to find a safe place to write and unburden their hearts...I just show them how.

    2. I continue to think of you and your son, wife and family. My little one's were the same ages when I became very ill with SLE. Lots of chemo and plasma pheresis treatments. I am very thankful for my port, which is a device implanted under the skin...(which does mean one poke. Blood can be drawn from it, too.)
      You all are in my prayers...just wanted you to know. I loved your quote on Attitude. It makes so much difference!! One can arise and see the bad things of the day...or one can listen to the birds sing...count the good things that we have in life...and look to God for the strength we need. Not always easy...but better then the alternative!
      I think of you, too, being a mother! Looking on sometimes is harder than being in it! I'll keep remembering you all! BTW...I love your art! It is so expressive...and fresh. I have your books, and "study" them often!! Keep looking up! BJR

    3. BJR,
      Thank you for sharing your story and words of hope. Thank you for your prayers. I will continue to look up and keep an attitude of gratitude.
      Blessings, Brenda
