Monday, January 2, 2012

Sketching the Rose Parade Floats, again!

The Rose Parade has rolled down Colorado Blvd in Pasadena CA, the Stealth Bomber has flown over the Rose Bowl to kick off the football game (and also passed over my house). I don't think I will ever get used to seeing that plane or the rumble it creates when it flies over! All that is left is wonderful memories and sketches of the Rose Parade floats.

Judy Schroeder and I went through the procedures of making phone calls, getting permission, checking in, getting I.D. bracelets...but it was worth it!
We spent an entire day sketching. We visited two float locations.The first building was very challenging to say the least. The floats still had a masses amount of work to be done and the scaffolding obscured most views. I sat in an area I thought would be protected and still get a view. Volunteers were working above me and I constantly got showered with little pieces of greenery. The second location was much better. Most of the scaffolding was down and we had great views of the floats. My only error was sitting where walking tours came by every 10 minutes. Most of the people thought we were there as part of the tour. One of the tour guides starting pointing us out and said "here are the resident artists" Judy has kept a list of the questions we were asked.
What are you doing? Are you in a class? Why do you do this? Are you selling your sketches? Are you designing next years float?...All in all it was fun and I don't mind the questions.The theme for this years parade Rose Parade was "Just Imagine...".
I look forward to sketching the 124th Rose Parade next time it rolls into town!

Happy Sketching!


  1. I think I posted to your other blog about last year's parade sketches! Well, anyway...they are super wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Fabulous fun sketches!
    (I was hoping as I watched on TV that you'd sketched the dragon!)

  3. Brenda, Thanks for sharing your Rose Parade paintings and stories with us. Looks like you and Judy had another great experience. Super way to start the New Year.

  4. These are very fun sketches! What a fun opportunity to sketch these during the parade prep. I'm sure that there was lots of energy in the air. This reminds me of the sketching we did at the Mardi Gras Museum in New Orleans when I went on Laure Ferlita's NOLA adventure. We got to sit in the warehouse where the floats or float-parts were. We just pulled out our chairs for a bit of time and sketched. Quite fun.

  5. Thanks for the nice comments. It's fun to share the energy, joy, and excitement of the Rose Parade float preparation! I do have a unique situation...I live a couple miles from two float building sites.
    Happy Sketching!

  6. Such an adventure! I wonder if you can also paint as they're torn down?

  7. This year's sketches are wonderful! And your lap is your table! It must surely be a balancing act!

  8. these are great, and I would say that you and Judy are 2 very lucky ladies! to get to get in and see them close up, and then to sketch! what fun!

  9. After I read your first post, I thought-try that! I went to the Bowl on Sunday, sat on the rock wall and sketched the Honda float. All of a sudden, I realized Kenny G was in front of me!! He performed for over an hour, prepping for his float ride the next day! It was fabulous and my sketch has such wonderful memories attached to it.

  10. Hey Ladies, thanks for all the fun comments. It makes me happy to know I've inspired others.

    Jill, What a treat to have Kenny G music "Live" to paint by!

    Happy Sketching!

  11. I am learning watercolor painting now and your painting is so charming and elegant. It is exactly the feeling I like! However, it is so hard to paint the same way you did. Do you have any demo video so that I can learn more from you? I have bought all your books and I really like them, but I am not in US so that it is impossible to join the painting workshop, though I really want to.

  12. You certainly captured the energy you describe! Thanks for sharing. I love the sketches side by side with photos of the inspiration.

  13. What a great day! How lucky to get behind the scenes and be able to save the moment! Cant wait to see you next week and meet Judy. Karla

  14. Yvonne, I have a DVD coming out this Spring. We are working on editing now. I will post on my blog when it is available.

    Karla, We are going to have 3 wonderful days of sketching...I can't wait!

  15. Hurray! I love that you created this adventure & of course, I love seeing the results! You are one of my inspirations, I'm now back to drawing daily. Thank You. If you have a moment, do stop over to my blog!

  16. Ink and Aquarelle, Your blog is wonderful and an inspiration!
